We have a VISION

The BCPS vision is optimal physical and mental health for all children and youth in British Columbia.


We have a MISSION

To optimize the health of the children and youth in BC, the BCPS advocates on their behalf, provides educational and practice support for its members and prepares and disseminates educational material and practical tools to the public.


These are our ROLES

  • The BCPS seeks to advance public policy to benefit children and their communities
  • The BCPS collaborates with other child and family health advocates
  • The BCPS initiates and supports research projects that impact child health in our region
  • The BCPS advocates for pediatricians professionally, providing ongoing education and representation at regional, provincial and federal medical organizations
  • The BCPS advocates for economic incentives to promote retention of specialists in pediatric practice

Board of Directors 2023-2024

Dr. Odion Kalaci

Past President
Dr. Stephen Noseworthy

Vice President
Dr. Stephen Tsai

Director – Vancouver Island
Dr. Jennifer Balfour

Director – Interior
Dr. Amieleena Chhabra

Director – Vancouver Island
CPS Representative
Dr. Kelly Cox

Director at Large
Dr. Tommy Gerschman


Director – Vancouver Coastal
Dr. Nita Jain



Director – Northern
Dr. Lára Malks-Jjumba


Director at Large
Dr. Jennifer Retallack

Director at Large
Dr. Michelle Sherwood


BCCH Chief of Pediatrics
Dr. Steven Miller

Dr. Sean Duke

Executive Director
Brian Evoy, PhD